4. If you're into Pilate's and Romance, this is the blog post for you. I don't know about you guy's, but I can't wait to see what she actually wrote in that manuscript of hers! http://keristevens.blogspot.com/2009/06/pelvic-power-for-core-stabilization.html
3. Toni Andrew's gets major points for an eye-catching website and crisp, fiesty prose in her blurbs. If the rest of her writing is this good, she's going to become a fav :D http://selenaillyriasthoughts.blogspot.com/2009/06/virtual-tour-toni-andrews.html?zx=6e34c850730f02e4
2. If you haven't read it yet, get thee out there and read Jackie Kessler's "Hell's Belles" http://www.jackiekessler.com/books/hellsbelles.php. I just finished it up and LOVED it. I'm off to read her and Caitlin Kittredge's "Black and White" and then spend money I don't have on the rest of her books.
1. Bonnie Vanak Harlequin Noctorne Author's recent blog post. Gotta admire a woman like this: http://community.eharlequin.com/content/saving-babies-and-writing-werewolves
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